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Mo & Friese
by Marinell Haegelin

KFA offers classes to schools, and already works with Kita’s (daycare centers). ShortFilmClasses are structured depending on class level (minimum age is four-years up to grade 12) and whether a public school or special school, e.g. for disabled. KFA’s budget limits the number of workshops offered; currently, there are 10-12 workshops per year, although they could do more.

In German schools, one week is set-aside for a “project week” that could be designated for a KFA workshop. KFA provides the equipment, and a mentor (from a pool of freelance filmmakers) to guide the process of making a film. First, the class and mentor meet, and watch a wide selection of films/genres. The class then has a few weeks to mull over what they saw, and decide on a theme. Usually they have ideas, and when they start the process, ideas come faster. Working over five consecutive days is better, since classes stay more focused. Mentors work with students as artists, not teachers, supporting them in camerawork, sound and editing. It is important that students have freedom to create, and to make mistakes. Usually, a KFA film project is shown at the school, and during IKFF, a ShortFilmClasses (past) projects selection is shown during Mo&Fries.