KinoCritics Report on Filmfest Hamburg 2005
September 22-29, 2005
Films Reviewed
- Adams’s Apples (Adams Æbier)
by Anders Thomas Jensen, Denmark
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
As It Is in Heaven (Wie im Himmel) by Kay Pollak, Sweden
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
by Masahiro Kobayashi, Japan
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
The Best Year of My Life (Das Beste Jahr Meines Lebens)
by Olaf Kreinsen, Germany
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Die Blaue Grenze (A Quiet Love)
by Till Franzen, Germany
(Reviewed by Patricia Ritz)
Brides (Nafes)
by Pantelis Voulgaris, Greece
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
Brudermord (Fratricide)
by Yilmaz Arslan, Germany/France
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
by Ian Gamazon/Neill Dela Llana, USA/Philippines
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
La Chambre Noire (Derb Moulay Cherif)
by Hassan Benjelloun, Morocco
(Reviewed by Kirsten Greco)
Chinaman (Kinamand)
by Henrik Ruben Genz, Denmark
(Reviewed by Shelly Schoeneshoefer)
Cinemas, Aspirin and Vultures (Cinema, Aspirinas E Urubus)
by Marcelo Gomes, Brazil
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
Dalecarlians (Masjaviar)
by Maria Blom, Sweden
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Delwende (Lève-toi et marche)
by S. Pierre Yamèogo, Burkina Faso/ France/Switzerland
(Reviewed by Kirsten Greco)
Drei Schwestern - Made in Germany (Three Sisters)
by Oliver Storz, Germany
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Earth from Above (La terre vue du ciel. Te amo)
by Renaud Delourme, France
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
Electric Shadows (Meng ying tong nian)
by Xiao Jiang, China/Hong Kong
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
by Kurt Mayer, Austria
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
Factotum by Bent Hamer, Norway
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
The Fisherman and His Wife (Der Fischer und Seine Frau)
by Doris Dörrie, Germany
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
Free Zone
by Amos Gitaï, Israel/France/Belgium/Spain
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
Fremde Haut (Unveiled)
by Angelina Maccarone, Germany
(Reviewed by Adele Riepe)
Ein Ganz gewöhnlicher Jude (Just an Ordinary Jew)
by Oliver Hirschbiegel, Germany
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
by Hank Levine/Tocha Alves/Marcelo Marchado, Brazil
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
A Good Woman
by Mike Barker, United Kingdom/ Italy/Spain/Luxemburg/USA
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Green Street Hooligans
Lexi Alexander, USA/UK
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Harbour Brothers (Keisarikunta)
by Pekka Mandart, Finland
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
L’Iceberg (The Iceberg)
by Dominique Abel/Fiona Gordon/Bruno Romy, Belgium
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
by Lucile Hadzihalilovic, France/Great Britain/Belgium
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
Iron Island (Jazireh Ahani)
by Mohammad Rasoulof, Iran
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
Janem Janem
by Haim Bouzaglo, Israel/France
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
Kilometer Zero (Kilomètre Zéro)
by Hiner Saleem, France/Kurdistan
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
The King
by James Marsh, USA/Great Britain
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
Der kleine Eisbär 2 - Die geheimnisvolle Insel
(The Little Polar Bear 2) by Thilo Graf Rothkirch/Piet De Rycker, Germany
(Reviewed by Vicki Filer-Mensing)
Les petits fils (Grand Sons)
by Ilan Duran Cohen, France
(Reviewed by Kirsten Greco)
Mad Hot Ballroom
by Marilyn Agrelo, USA
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Magdalena (Magdalena – The Unholy Saint, Santa Santita)
by Laurice Guillen, Philippines
(Reviewed by Kirsten Greco)
by Lars von Trier, Denmark/Germany/France/Great Britain/Sweden
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
Manual of Love (Manuale d’amore, Handbuch der Liebe)
by Giovanni Veronesi, Italy
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
The Moustache (La moustache)
by Emmanuel Carrère, France
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
by Dana Adam Shapiro/Jeffrey Mandel/Henry Alex Rubin, USA
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Murk (Mørke)
by Jannik Johansen, Denmark
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
Die Nachrichten (The News)
by Matti Geschonneck, Germany
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
La Nuit de la vérité (The Night of Truth)
by Fanta Régina Nacro, France/Burkina Faso
(Reviewed by Becky Tan)
by Montxo Armendáriz, Spain/Germany
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
One Long Winter Without Fire (Tout un Hiver sans Feu)
by Greg Zglinski, Switzerland
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
Paradise Now
by Hany Abu-Assad, France/Germany/The Netherlands
(Reviewed by Adele Riepe)
The Prince (Le Prince)
by Mohamed Zran, Tunisia
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
The Ring Finger (L’annulaire)
by Diane Bertrand, France/Germany
(Reviewed by Alyssa Cirelli)
by Kyle Henry, USA
(Reviewed by Karen Pecota)
Der Schatz Der Weissen Falken (Treasure of the White Falcon)
by Christian Zübert, Germany
(Reviewed by Shelly Schoeneshoefer)
Separate Lies
by Julian Fellowes, Great Britain
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
Swimmers by Doug Sadler, USA
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
These Foolish Things
by Julia Taylor-Stanley, Great Britain
(Reviewed by Jenny Mather)
The Wandering Shadows (La Sombra del Caminante)
by Ciro Guerra, Columbia
(Reviewed by Mary Nyiri)
When/if these films open in Germany, the reviews will be added to the KinoCritics database.