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Review: Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie
by Karen Pecota

USA | 2022 Director: Davis Guggenheim

Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim takes pride in presenting to the world's film audience his latest documentary STILL: A MICHAEL J. FOX MOVIE. Guggenheim embarked on a journey of discovery with his research on the famed actor, Michael J. Fox, and uncovered a treasure trove of material that made sense for Michael's life to be shared with the public that has had his back for decades, not to mention their support.

Guggenheim read an interview with Michael J. Fox in The New Yorker about his most recent book. Guggenheim recalls that Michael talks about a very serious fall he had in his kitchen while alone-at-home. He was lying on the floor with a broken arm, suffering with intense pain and helpless. Guggenheim notes that in spite of visualizing the horrific incident, "There was something about the way Michael told the story with his amazing tone--blunt, honest, no ‘poor me’, and actually really funny." Guggenheim was drawn to Michael's story and wanted to know more so he bought all his books on audio. "Michael reads so well." Guggenheim noted, "When I heard him telling his story in his own voice, I knew I'd found the ingredients for an incredible movie." Incredibly impressive, it is indeed!

"What you see in the film is just a conversation between two people. And those interviews became the heart and soul of the movie." Says Guggenheim, and explains how the usage of the camera impacted the presentation of their interviews that "became the connective tissue" for the whole movie. Only one thing Michael asked of Guggenheim in sharing his story -- "No violins."

Guggenheim knew that the key to the film would be to stay true to Michael's voice, "His innate humility and humor and utter lack of self-pity while barreling though life at a reckless tilt." Guggenheim recalls after the first day of shooting, "I was walking back to my hotel in New York City, and I found myself thinking, "I want what he has." Adding, "How is it that this guy with this cruel, relentless, incurable disease has something I want? I hope when people watch the movie they ask that same question."


At age twenty-nine, famed Hollywood actor of the 1980s, Michael J. Fox receives a Parkinson's disease diagnosis. Davis Guggenheim's documentary STILL: A MICHAEL J. FOX MOVIE is a compelling and explorative account into Michael's personal and professional ups and downs, before and after his Parkinson's revelation--including history and outtakes of his most memorable work. The reality is that Michael's journey is filled with what movies are made of--adventure, romance, comedy, and drama. It's Michael's "tone" that will have you captivated, intrigued and left wanting by the film's end.