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On Your Radar: Wish You Were Here
by Karen Pecota

A directorial film debut for Australian actor, screenwriter, filmmaker, Kieran Darcy-Smith transforms story on the silver screen in Wish You Were Here. Billed as a psychological drama the narrative is more like a highly intense thriller. Never losing its audience with fabulous story arches and believable jolts in the plot line is what keeps a film addict glued to the screen 'til the very surprising end. It takes your breath away!

Darcy-Smith credits much of the storyline as a cooperative venture with his creative wife, Australian actress, Felicity Price, also, the films main actress known as Steph. The dynamic duo has nowhere to go but up in the film industry combining their talents to be made for the silver screen. Keep your eye on this couple! Disappointment will not be a word connected to their joint efforts for future art projects. But, the word "amazing" will!

Dave (Joel Edgerton) and Steph (Felicity Price), are a happily married couple with children. They are also a hardworking typical middle-class family in financial difficulty. They allow Steph's sister, Alice (Teresa Palmer) convince them to join her and new boyfriend, Jeremy (Antony Starr) on a holiday trip to Cambodia. A trip they cannot afford but Dave obliges to keep peace in the family.

Jeremy is a business entrepreneur dabbling in the Asian gift market. He would never push his business on friends but they will observe that he is savvy when it comes to making money. Jeremy is a natural for making money multiply and thrives on going beyond the limits to serve his clients. His traveling job takes him to exotic areas of the world where normal middle-class people could rarely afford to enjoy. Jeremy's personal delight is to share his extended world with friends. This adventure includes Alice, Steph and Dave. The foursome embarks on a week-long exotic excursion delightful in every way until mid-way through the trip Jeremy goes missing. Shock surrounds the three family members and stoop to a frantic state. Dave, Steph and Alice are left to deal with the chaos and paranoia that consumes their lives while looking for Jeremy and discovering his whereabouts. An adventure thriller in a foreign country is no place for the threesome to be without Jeremy.