Switzerland Film Productions or Co-Productions
- All We Imagine as Light (2024) (France/India/The Netherlands/Luxembourg/Italy/Switzerland)
- Alma & Oskar (2022) (Austria/Germany/Switzerland/Czech Republic)
- Am Hang (2013) (Germany/Switzerland/Italy)
- American Ultra (2015) (U.S.A./Switzerland)
- Auch Leben ist eine Kunst - Der Fall Max Emde (2019) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Bad Boy Kummer (2010)
- Beach Bum (The Beach Bum) (2019) (Switzerland/U.K./France/U.S.A.)
- Bon appétit (2010) (Spain/Germany/Switzerland)
- Breath Made Visible (Breath Made Visible: Anna Halprin) (2009) (Switzerland/U.S.A.)
- Cesars Grill (2013) (Ecuador/Switzerland/Germany)
- Chrieg (War) (2014)
- Das dunkle Gen (2015) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Das Kleine Gespenst (The Little Ghost) (2013) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Das Kleine Zimmer (The Small Room, La Petite Chambre) (2010) (Switzerland/Luxembourg)
- Das Summen der Insekten – Bericht einer Mumie (The Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy) (2008)
- Das Wahre Leben (2006) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Der böse Onkel (2011) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Der Kreis (The Circle) (2014)
- Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (2022) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Der Unschuldige (The Innocent) (2018) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Die Böhms: Architektur einer Familie (2014) (Germany/Switzerland/China/France)
- Die Geliebten Schwestern (Beloved Sisters) (2014) (Germany/Austria/Switzerland)
- Die Geliebten Schwestern (Beloved Sisters) (2014) (Germany/Austria/Switzerland)
- Die Goldenen Jahre (Golden Years) (2022)
- Die Große Stille (2005) (France/Switzerland/Germany)
- Die Herbstzeitlosen (Late Bloomers) (2006)
- Die Kinder vom Napf (2011)
- Die Liebe seines Lebens (The Railway Man) (2013) (Australia/U.K./Switzerland)
- Die Mittagsfrau (2023) (Germany/Switzerland/Luxembourg)
- Die Nachbarn von oben (2023)
- Die schwarzen Brüder (2013) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Die Standesbeamtin - Drei sind einer zuviel (Will You Marry Us?) (2009)
- Die Theorie von allem (The Universal Theory) (2023) (Germany/Austria/Switzerland)
- Die Verborgenen Farben der Dinge (Il colore nascosto delle cose) (2017) (Italy/Switzerland)
- Die Welt der Wunderlichs (2016) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Die Wolken von Sils Maria (Clouds of Sils Maria) (2014) (France/Switzerland/Germany)
- Dora oder die sexuellen Neurosen unserer Eltern (2015) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Eldorado (2018) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Everyday Rebellion (2013) (Switzerland/Germany/Austria/Ukraine/Spain/France)
- Ewige Jugend (Youth) (2015) (Italy/France/Switzerland/U.K.)
- Ewige Jugend (Youth) (2015) (Italy/France/Switzerland/U.K.)
- Ewige Jugend (Youth) (2015) (Italy/France/Switzerland/U.K.)
- Finsteres Glück (Dark Fortune) (2016)
- Flitzer (Streaker) (2017)
- Foxtrot (2017) (Israel/Switzerland/Germany/France)
- Giovanni Segantini -- Magie des Lichts (2015)
- Girl Gang (2022)
- Giulias Verschwinden (Julia's Disappearance) (2009)
- Gloria! (2024) (Italy/Switzerland)
- Guru - Bhagwan, his Secretary & his Bodyguard (2010)
- Guru - Bhagwan, his Secretary & his Bodyguard (2010)
- Heidi (2015) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Heimatklänge (Echoes of Home) (2007) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Hell - Die Sonne wird euch verbrennen (The End of Night) (2011) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Hive (Zgjoi) (2021) (Kosovo/Switzerland/Albania/North Macedonia)
- Hive (Zgjoi) (2021) (Kosovo/Switzerland/Albania/North Macedonia)
- Home (2008) (Switzerland/France/Belgium)
- I Was a Swiss Banker (2007)
- Im Haus meines Vaters sind viele Wohnungen (2010) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Im Land meiner Kinder (Land of My Children) (2018) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared (2015) (Germany/Switzerland/U.K.)
- Iraqi Odyssey (2014) (Switzerland/Germany/Iraq/United Arab Emirates)
- Iraqi Odyssey (2014) (Iraq/Switzerland/Germany/United Arab Emirates)
- Istanbul United (2014) (Czech Republic/Switzerland/Germany/Turkey)
- Jenseits des Sichtbaren - Hilma af Klint (Beyond The Visible - Hilma af Klint) (2019) (Germany/Sweden/Switzerland/U.K.)
- Joschka und Herr Fischer (2011) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Journey to Jah (2013) (Germany/Switzerland/Jamaica/Italy)
- Lovely Louise (2013) (Germany/Switzerland/Spain)
- Lovely Louise (2013) (Germany/Switzerland/Spain)
- Marcello Marcello (2008) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Mein Leben als Zucchini (My Life as a Zucchini, Ma vie de Courgette) (2016) (Switzerland/France)
- Meine Tochter - Figlia Mia (Daughter of Mine, Figlia Mia) (2018) (Italy/Germany/Switzerland)
- Memory Books - Damit du mich nie vergisst... (2008) (Germany/Switzerland)
- More Than Honey (2012) (Switzerland/Germany/Austria)
- Nachtzug nach Lissabon (Night Train to Lisbon) (2013) (Germany/Switzerland/Portugal)
- Papa Moll und die Entführung des fliegenden Hundes (Mr. Moll and the Chocolate Factory) (2017)
- Papst Franziskus - Ein Mann seines Wortes (Pope Francis: A Man of his Word) (2018) (Switzerland/Holy See (Vatican City State)/Italy/Germany/France)
- Paris, je t'aime (Paris, I Love You) (2006) (Liechtenstein/Switzerland/Germany/France)
- Rosie (2013)
- Ruhm (2012) (Germany/Switzerland/Austria)
- Schwesterlein (My Little Sister) (2020) (Switzerland/Germany)
- Sieben Mulden und eine Leiche (2007)
- Sonita (2015) (Germany/Switzerland/Iran)
- The Art of Love (2022) (Switzerland/U.K.)
- The Giant Buddhas (2005)
- The Palace (2023) (Italy/Switzerland/Poland/France)
- Tides (The Colony) (2021) (Germany/Switzerland)
- Tulpan (2008) (Germany/Kazakhstan/Poland/Russia/Switzerland)
- Une Jeunesse allemande - Eine deutsche Jugend (2015) (France/Switzerland/Germany)
- Unsere Ozeane (Oceans, Océans) (2009) (France/Switzerland/Spain/Morocco)
- VanGogh – An der Schwelle zur Ewigkeit (At Eternity's Gate) (2018) (Ireland/Switzerland/U.K./France/U.S.A.)
- VanGogh – An der Schwelle zur Ewigkeit (At Eternity's Gate) (2018) (Ireland/Switzerland/U.K./France/U.S.A.)
- Vitus (2006)
- Wanda, mein Wunder (My Wonderful Wanda) (2020)
- Wandlungen - Richard Wilhelm und das I Ging (Wisdom of Changes - Richard Wilhelm and the I Ching) (2011)
- WHO CARES? Du machst den Unterschied (Who Cares?, Quem se importa) (2013) (Brazil/U.S.A./Tanzania/Switzerland/Peru/Germany)
- Wild Plants (2016) (Germany/Switzerland/U.S.A.)
- Winterdieb (Sister, L’enfant d’enhaut) (2012) (France/Switzerland)
- Winterdieb (Sister, L’enfant d’enhaut) (2012) (France/Switzerland)
- Yalda (Yalda, a Night for Forgivness) (2019) (Iran/France/Germany/Switzerland/Luxembourg)
- Über-ich und du (Superegos) (2014) (Germany/Switzerland/Austria)